Is it a comic? Is it a magazine? That may be up to you. Still a work in progress. The idea is to encourage children to read, but also to explore the world around them and be creative.
I suffer with some form of obsessional disorder, mostly hoarding, but with other OCD signs . I wrote a book, which won’t actually be published, as the last chapters fall over a bit. It is available as a PDF though - A THOROUGHLY ENGLISH HOODLUM - Please ask. Everything I make from it’s sale is being donated to OCD-UK for the next few months (Till May 2012) ). I buy and sell 50’s – 60’s records, and used to publish a well respected magazine on the UK rockin’ scene.
Don't expect anything intellectual from me - If it happens it'll be by accident! – I have split my blogs up into neat little boxes – DON’T ask why. If you read the first bit, you’ll know. So, here are my little boxes. Rejection Seeds short sketches, scripts and segments of stories I am working on or which have been rejected. Your comments appreciated – Good or bad. The Orcan Grinder about modelling, painting and gaming Little Shop Of Horrors Samples of my rather childish drawing and painting. Soulville My first blog, and could be about anything really.
There is no crap art. Just artists that are full of crap.
The Unknown, at 10 May, 2006
Bwhahahahahahahahahaha... ahem.
The Unknown, at 10 May, 2006
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