IF - Signs

Anyway, SIGNS I figured I would have a go at doing my interpretation of a tacky theme park sign - loosley based on a Tiki type thing.
That's it! Nothing more to add.......
OH - Except for THIS!!!!! - Loctite Superglue make a special superglue called All Plastic, which, as the name suggests is fantastic for glueing plastic together - (ideal when you have two small children, who have a lot of toys with plastic parts, and get upset if they break...... (I'm sure you get my meaning!))
Anyway, it bonds plastic in seconds, and the bond is better than any other superglue I have used on plastic - even that soft plastic which toy soldiers are made from. Once fixed, it's like they were never broken.
So - With this in mind, you would have thought that perhaps they would fit a metal or glass cap / stopper???? Or is it me being stupid to make the assumption that maybe a 2 part plastic cap might in some way get totally and utterly f----ing jammed, if there is a slight spillage?????
when I want to use this glue NOW, I have to be very careful I don;t get it on my fingers (perhaps they are also made of plastic, judging by the way the bond instantly!). But to use it, I have to stick a pin into the tube somewhere, and apply from there, then hope that not too much is wasted as it dries. Before long, the tube will look like a heroin addicts arm! Oh well, such is life!