IF - Communication

A Recipe for Disaster.....Full throttle down hill, with front wheel lifting off the ground.
Many, many years ago I suffered severley grazed butt-ocks as the result of something similar. NOT funny. Nor was being in the hospital and being told by the nurse to take a seat until I was called. I explained that even a light sheet over my poor skinless bum was more pain than I could bear!
I know it's not something I really want to do, but maybe by starting off with one of my old paintings, just to get in the swing again, perhaps I'll give myself some inspiration???
I did this one back in '98
is it really that long since I did anything on IF?...Well, I guess it must be.
Truth is, I haven't really put pen to paper on anything creative for ages. I've re-hashed some old stuff for ATCs, but have since stopped doing them, as I was ending up with tons and tons of little bits of card that I'll never actually do anything with.....And what's the point in that eh?
I can't remember how to link back to IF at the moment. I may edit this later.