IF - I Spy.....

This scientific experiment should have produced Something in the test tube, so when our poor professor spies absolotuley nothing, he is somewhat taken aback. had the experiment gone wrong?...OR, had something more sinister happened, maybe a case of commercial espionage.
What is even more I spyish about this, is that the actual painting is unlikely to be seen again. I painted on the back of another painting, which may end up in a frame.
I loved your comment about my I Spy. What a wonderful sense of humor you have! In 2000 years this I Spy of yours will vex and perplex scholars. Why was it hidden? What was the secret message? Was code regarding some professorian sect embedded in the image?
Heather, at 26 March, 2007
Great expression...but what is best...that awesome tie with the green shirt...you need to do a warholesque painting of a thousand ties...
Brine Blank, at 27 March, 2007
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