Illustration Friday
1 - I had forgotten all about Illustration Friday, and have not done any for ages and ages.....over a year in fact as you can see from my previous blog!
2 - I had forgotten that it is quite acceptable to just pull any old piece of work from the past, even though the idea is to create a completley new piece based on the title.... But it's OK as long as you can somehow make the illustration fit the title regardless of how tenuous the link is.
3 - I had forgotten all about this illustration, which was the very first one I did for Illustration Friday. I have also forgotten where I have put it!
Here is what I originally wrote about it.
Today is Friday, and that means my very first ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY.
And the topic is FAT!
Thanks a lot....No, I really mean it!!!! Thanks a *&$% LOT.
So I did this....And it was rubbish, so I photographed it next to a tomato and gave it a title, and the tomato made it marginally less rubbish, at least it's got a tomato in it now!

Hah......AND I've fogotten to put a thumbnail image in... How's that for taking a weak link to the ultimate level?
Jayster, at 06 June, 2008
I think you've done 'forgotten' beautifully and there's nothing like a little self-humiliation. Your image made me laugh as did your tale of woe (sorry about that).
Connie, at 06 June, 2008
And the award goes to you for really getting into this week's theme! Now where did I put that trophy....hmmm, I seem to have forgotten it!
I enjoyed reading your story and seeing your first illustration. Great stuff!
Bella Sinclair, at 08 June, 2008
Funny little story, clever illo. Nice!
life without novacaine, at 12 June, 2008
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