WBK - Inspiration, Exploration and Fun in West Berkshire


IF - SOUR......again

Such is my talent as an artist.........

.....That I can work on a piece for a good half hour, maybe more, and achieve a result which is almost, but not quite, as good as the concept sketch I did in less than half a minute!

I've actually started again, and I think the expression on this newer one is slightly improved - I just hope I don't blow it all to bits when I add the colour.

It's a continuation of my work for this weeks ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY.

Oh - almost forgot. Here is the link to the original concept sketch. There may be a further link later on in the week.SOUR - original concept.

Mole Takes A Stroll.

This picture is a combination of our talents. My youngest son daubed some paint onto a piece of card when he was 2, and i added a couple of pen lines - (So really the vast majority of the image is his work.

DON'T ask what 'Mole' is kicking. I'm sure none of us want to know the answer!

although we did this image back in the middle of last year, posting it on my blog was actually inspired by seeing this image by Elegant Snobbery - so thank you for giving me the inpsiration to post it up.



It's ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY and today............WOW..... I mean don't some people draw quick?????

The new title arrives, and within seconds, they have drawn, scanned and written a little bit about it. that is impressive. I was trying so hard to get in there first today, and as soon as the title was up. I had pen and highlighters blazing away, verily burning into the paper. I scribbles it out, went to the scanner, scanned it, and here it is:

OK - YES, once again it is a scribble, that took me about 10 seconds to do - (such was my haste to get in there quick!) But, over the course of the next few days I will try to do a better version of it.

You can see the idea I have of using a poor little Toby Jug, more used to nice flavoured drinks, but suffering with the sour lemon juice.

Let's see if i can get this image to work?

I'm waiting!

It's ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY and today............I have decided to make an auto-formatted linking device, which will be in every post in the Little Shop Of Horrors, so that I don't have to keep going back to previous posts to re-link to IF.

the title for today hasn't arrived yet. I have nothing prepared, so I'm hoping that whatever I come up with this week will be fresh and new.



Alright already!!!!! - So I left it a bit late like. what do YOU intend to do about it? there, hows' that for fierce?

I thought I would be able to come up with a great idea with this title, it really does leave the artist open to a billion and one possibilities. The idea I initially had was of a writer, fiercely defending his ideas. That is something I am currently thinking about as a friend is writing a story which is brilliant, but I feel that the actual use of words could be improved. I was very, very wrong to make such a suggestion!
But how do you illustrate that?

This led to another thought along similar lines - THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD.

Especially if the pen, or in this instance pencil, is brandishing a hand gun.

This weeks illustration is hardly worthy of the term Illustration, as it is really a concept scribble, which I hastily threw onto the paper while talking on the phone. I won't be able to finish it today, so I guess it's as good as it will get for this weeks effort.