WBK - Inspiration, Exploration and Fun in West Berkshire



Well' that's quite convenient. Last night we had a barbecue, and my youngest son got in a bit of a horrible mess eating a bowl of custard. so of course I took some pictures, (Prior to hosing him off!). Actually, due to the current hosepipe ban, I had to take him upstairs for a bath!

I've just done a very quick mess around in Photoshop with one of the images, and I'm quite pleased with the pseudo pop art effect.

I might do an actual drawing of this subject later in the week, but here is my first effort for STICKY - ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY, created five minutes ago.


IF Rain

This weekend I was on holiday. Couple of nights camping and a day at the beach. I had to phone my folks to get the title of the ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY subject, but as it was bright and sunny at the beach (thank goodness) I couldn't find inspiration, then I found this little rock, which is roughly the shape of an umbrella......et voila!

It did actually rain on the first night, which kept the children awake.... HA, as if they were going to sleep anyway!!!!!

And it rained a tiny bit when we were pulling the tent down on the Sunday morning, so now we've got to go to a load of trouble to erect the tent on our front lawn to dry out.

I know I haven't put much effort in again, this week, relying on yet another 10 second croaky... Maybe I'll draw something else later in the week???

By the way, the stone is a bit larger than an ATC (3.25" x 5"). If anybody wants to swap it for an ATC, please let me know.


Illustration Friday - DANCE

I know... I'm cheating a bit this week. I've already shown this recently. BUT, it wasn't actually part of an ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY. project before, I just got over excited and popped it out into the open as soon as it was finished. I am however putting a few others in on the same theme.

I've just called it Oops.. because the caption I want to use for it is too long.

It was whilst jiving at the office party that PR78Q realised that the older robots like himself, were more robustly put together, even though they were less agile. He also wondered if this incident was a sackable offence.

See - Too long to put on the back of an ATC.

So here are the others!

I started a swap on an ATC forum I am with entitled 1950's JIVE. The idea was to use different ATCs featuring jivers as buttons to access music.... Well, it was all a bit slow, and I only needed 2 cards - (swap is still open if anybody is interessted.!)The Ooops card was chosen by one participant, and The Dick Clark Show Would Never Be The Same Again was also selected. This card shows another vintage styled robot dancing with an equally old TV set, thus making the old TV show difficult to watch!

I also painted this mad, odd couple, and a funky red jazz dancer... then it all just fizzled out. I didn't paint these today, and feel guilty that I haven't created them after seeing the title!


Illustration Friday - PORTRAIT

I know it's not exactly a portrait, but once again, time has got the better of me, and I didn't really want to miss outILLUSTRATION FRIDAY. three weeks in a row.

This is an ATC I did recently called 'Orphan'. He's a little bit sad, and his hand me down clothes are a little ill fitting. Loosly based on the old Lonnie Donnegan song 'Nobody's Child', which even now, brings a lump to my throat.

Like all Orphan ATC's, he's looking for a new home. Anybody want to swap?